Posts tagged Social Media
Top web development trends in 2021 to scale your E-commerce online business

With the impact that Covid 19 has had on world markets and economies in the past year and a half, it seems incredible to think that while all other industries have struggled to sometimes even stay afloat, there is one industry that has not only amply survived but, in many cases, thrived. It’s not difficult to guess that this industry has something to do with getting people closer even though physically there have been standard advisories issued globally with regards to distancing. We are talking about technology and the advancements in the tech industry of course and one career that has suddenly come into infinite demand is a skilful web development function.

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Importance of Web Development during Covid 19

Over 210 million cases and more than 4.5 million lives were lost. Statistics are a great way to understand the enormity of a situation, as the world has not seen a global tragedy like Covid 19 in a while. This unmitigated disaster has reached and infected every corner of the globe and has been conferred with a pandemic status.

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How optimizing your Amazon SEO helps your E-commerce online business

In one of our earlier blogs, we mentioned how important it was to get SEO right if you were operating an online business via an E-commerce website. Today we intend to tell you all about the one E-commerce store that absolutely every small, medium, and large-sized business needs to be on; we are referring to Amazon of course and this is your step-by-step guide on how to get your SEO for Amazon optimized.

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Social media marketing for an E-commerce online business

Social media is not only about fun and games with attractive filters and reels allowing you to document the more cheerful parts of your lives. When used correctly and by an expert, social media has the potential to not just be a direct money earner, it can also become an important way to boost your SEO strategy.

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